differences got me thinking. What was Independence
Day like in the 40’s? Did families
celebrate, discovering new ways to make their favorite foods…? Did men too old to go off to war – did they
do fireworks? Were there any black powder
to use for fireworks or did it all go to the war effort?
working in a hospital, I meet people … who give off a presence of strength and
confidence that their loved one will get better- then as I talk with them
cracks are seen in this mask. I see
their eyes brim with unshed tears, worry and fear of the uncertainty of the
future shines out of those eyes. Their
voice breaks then they stop, take a deep breath, then their “strong” look is

As I
stood to sing the American National anthem, I wondered how women could stand to
be patriotic, singing about ‘the rockets’ red glare and bombs bursting in air’…
without thinking of their husbands huddled in a fox hole, trying to stay
alive. Did they present a “strong” presence
– like loved ones do in the hospital? Or
would a person see the cracks in their patriotism… the unshed tears and the
fear of the unknown future?
Would they be singing “God Bless America,” or be quietly
crying out “God, Just bring them home!”
I realized that this year – It was hard for me to be 100%
This year, I have been given glimpses of the loss that goes
with these holidays.
And I pray – Lord, bring Peace!